We love where we live. We want our clients to as well.

Our philosophy stems from the belief that the highest quality design must honor what’s inside, and out. We’re dedicated to designing spaces that reflect our client’s unique values — carefully considering how they want to live, work, and interact with each other and their environment.


Quality: we pay attention to every detail to deliver the highest quality architectural design, experience, and product.

Creativity: Every project is one-of-a-kind and designed to be bold, personal, functional, and expressive.

Integrity: We design with principle and deliver honest, open communication.

Relationships above all: Our team and client relationships are built, valued, and respected as the most valuable assets of our business.


159 Design was started in Aspen, Colorado in 2012 where founder Curtis Vaughn set his sights on running an intimate design firm that treated clients as friends and — through his work — allowed them and their families to more fully enjoy the destinations in which they live, work, and play. Learn more